AARP Life Insurance and my children

Thinking about Death

When I think about my death, it is never a fun subject. But then again, who would ever find that a fun subject :) The costs of dying these days have definitely gone up. Now that I have kids around, it makes sense for me for the first time in my life to start thinking about these things.

AARP Life Insurance has become synonymous with end of life insurance.

AARP was one of the first companies to help Americans leaving this planet with their final expenses. AARP has become an incredibly, incredibly trusted company in the U.S. I had only ever thought of them until recently, as being more of a discount collector for cool, discounted stuff for old people. Well, now I am getting closer and closer to being one of those old people. In fact, in less than a decade, I am going to be able to get discounts on some lunch places and movies. I can’t say I am too excited about that. LOL

What I am focusing on

Obviously my biggest financial goals are on my retirement, not on my death. Let’s just take one goal at a time. I can imagine, that I will start getting mail from AARP in the near future about their programs and offerings. This is not something I am excited about either, but hey if the coffin fits, you gotta wear it right?

I have also been investigating where you can get term life insurance at the end of life. I am not planning on getting to the end of my life anytime soon, but it is worth taking a look to see what is available. There are quite a few options. Some of them require the traditional medical exams and qualifications, and others do not have quite as stringent of requirements.

Most of the big life insurance companies participate in one way or another in this arena, but there is great variability between all of their requirements for acceptance. Some claim to be guaranteed, some require different levels of physical examination, and some take lifestyle and past medical history into account.

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